Tag Archives: guide

Computer Lab Crackdown – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 13 – The Justicars have been using their computer lab for illegal deeds. Shut down their computer lab by defeating the Justicars’ forces defending it. Continue reading

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Awkward Conversations – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 13 – Because Lord Shalath has declared a Kaggath against Apprentice Frun’s master and his entire power base, Frun’s life is in danger if he sets foot in her sight.

He has requested your help to deliver the Dark Council report to Apprentice Maraad in the upper wilds. Continue reading

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Der Weg des Pilgers – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 13 – Überall auf dem Pfad deiner Pilgerreise lauern gefährliche wilde Bestien. Erledige im südlichen Teil der Flussfall-Wildnis die Untiere, die dir im Weg stehen, und beweise den Revanitern deine Stärke. Continue reading

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Imperiale Abfangjäger neutralisieren – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 12 Continue reading

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Rettungsaktion – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 13 – Agent Galen schickt dich, Doktor Tarnis zu retten, während er mit Meister Orgus und Meisterin Kiwiiks gefährdete Waffenlabore der Republik sichert.

Galen hat die Dienste einer taktischen Sondereinheit der Republik angeboten, die dir helfen kann. Nimm einen Gleiter ins Gebiet der Schwarzen Sonne und bitte Sergeant Nidaljo und seine Leute um Hilfe. Continue reading

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Feindliche Jäger eliminieren – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 12 Continue reading

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Feindliche Flotte neutralisieren – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 12 Continue reading

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Großkampfschiffe entwaffnen – alt – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 12 Continue reading

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Justicar Slice (and Dice) – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 12 – You have volunteered to complete the mission of a fallen SIS agent by slicing into the computers in the Justicars’ sector. Deal a blow to the Justicars in the area by defeating their forces. Continue reading

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Die Kubaz loswerden – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 12 – Beseitige die Kubaz-Aufklärer rund um den Schattenstein. Continue reading

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