Tag Archives: guide

Angriff auf den Außenposten – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 – Du bist in den Außenposten Victory eingedrungen, um die Schildgeneratoren für die Zerstörung zu markieren. Dünne die feindlichen Truppen aus, wenn du schon mal dort bist. Continue reading

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Null Toleranz [Täglich] – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 – Warzones are where you team up with ally players to fight enemy players over a goal important to your faction. You must queue up to enter one.

Left Click the button on the bottom right of your radar to join the queue for a warzone. You will be prompted to enter the Warzone once a match is made.

Win 3 Warzone matches. Continue reading

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Victory for the Empire Level 10 Daily – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 – Warzones are where you team up with ally players to fight enemy players over a goal important to your faction. You must queue up to enter one.

Left click the button on the bottom right of your radar to join the queue for a warzone. You will be prompted to enter the Warzone once a match is made.

Win 3 Warzone matches. Continue reading

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[TÄGLICH] Vereint stehen wir – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 – Warzones are where you team up with ally players to fight enemy players over a goal important to your faction. You must queue up to enter one.

Left Click the button on the bottom right of your radar to join the queue for a warzone. You will be prompted to enter the Warzone once a match is made.

Win 3 Warzone matches. Continue reading

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Verteidigung der freien Galaxis – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 – Warzones are where you team up with ally players to fight enemy players over a goal important to your faction. You must queue up to enter one.

Left click the button on the top right of your radar to join the queue for a Warzone. You will be prompted to enter the Warzone once a match is made.

Win 3 Warzone matches. Continue reading

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Victory for the Republic Level 10 Daily – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 – Warzones are where you team up with ally players to fight enemy players over a goal important to your faction. You must queue up to enter one.

Left click the button on the bottom right of your radar to join the queue for a warzone. You will be prompted to enter the Warzone once a match is made.

Win 3 Warzone matches. Continue reading

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Zerstörerisches Feuer – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 – Rebellen haben es geschafft, zahlreiche Geschütze an der Straße vor Sobrik einzunehmen und neu zu programmieren.

Ingenieur Mucdermon hat dir eine Neutralisationswaffe ausgehändigt, die ihre Schilde ausschalten kann, um die Geschütze mit den bereitgestellten Codes neu zu programmieren. Die Geschütze müssen unbedingt neutralisiert sein, damit die Codes eingesetzt werden können. Neutralisiere und repariere die Geschütze an der Straße vor Sobrik. Continue reading

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Schwere Geschütze – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 – Die alte balmorranische Regierung sendet dem balmorranischen Widerstand Generatoren für die Versorgung seiner Artillerie. Lieutenant Davrill möchte, dass du das Lagerhaus findest, in dem diese Generatoren gelagert werden, und sie zerstörst.

Zerstöre die Generatoren des Widerstands im Lagerhaus in der Gorinth-Schlucht. Continue reading

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Zu weit gegangen – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 Continue reading

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Javaal-Flottenaktion – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Quest Stufe: 15 Continue reading

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