Die Leiden des jungen Akolythen

Overseer Harkun
- Sprich mit Inquisitor Zyn ( More …)
- Verhöre Alif ( More …)Note:
You can get the same result either way of interrogation you choose. If you are Light character feel free to avoid Dark Side answers. Than again, seeing him squirm in pain is so much fun… - Sprich mit Inquisitor Zyn ( More …)Note:
You can actually get light side points here. I tried avoiding the first light side choices and further down the conversation there was the light side choice again (through calling the inquisitor a coward). If you feel so inclined you can save the tortured acolyte… - Kehre zu Aufseher Harkun zurück ( More …)
- Kehre zu Aufseher Harkun zurück ( More …)
Overseer Harkun
Zusätzliche Information
- You can also choose the option to be his friend and to get the information without torture him.
- I received an email several hours after I completed this quest. The email contained some extra credits. When I received the email I took the dark side choice and not to spare the acolyte, but I am not sure if that was the reason for the email or is that just the way the quest progresses normally.
Stufe: 3
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Normal
Start-NPC: Overseer Harkun
Die Helle: 100
Die Dunkle: 550
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Normal
Start-NPC: Overseer Harkun
Erfahrungspunkte-Belohnung: +585Die Helle: 100
Die Dunkle: 550